Why this Blog?

thinkstep. It is primarily intended as an independent investigative journalist platform. Regional and Worldwide.

We're trying to tread new ways, not just in journalism, but also and especially in the critical examination of our global world.

thinkstep. But is open to all! Our friends, co-workers and all who are interested to participate, we would like to offer the freedom of thinking and dreaming inside this blog. We do not want to ask only "HOW" the things are, let us do it like our children and ask especially for the "WHY"!
We would like to bring back the things into that bright light that is necessary to look behind.

Let us keep not to economic constraints, to revenue figures and audience ratings, to clicks or print runs and we do not rely only on traditional study opinions.

Only those who are really open could dream visions. And only those who dream visions can change things.

Let see ourselves as that what we really are (or should be!):

A society of free thinking humans and not just only a collection of individuals and consumers.


For All!

thinkstep. Who ever want to participate in this project are invited! Let us discuss the various and different minds. And let us try to find solutions for our society, for our children and our growing global world.



If you liked to take part in the project or if you have an opinion to "thinkstep.", if you liked to say something maybe only to single articles and contributions, please get in touch with us.

We publish with pleasure your contributions and opinions. You can make a comment to single articles at any time. Many thanks for your joy in thinking, your visions for the future!

And thank you for your honest critique!




Presently we work together with partners on two journalistic projects. We want to draw the attention with these plans to developments and trends in Germany that are from general interest.

The “Medium-sized industry project” it is for us above all about the innovative strength of the small and medium enterprises that fill with engagement and ideas the gap what the big global players leaving more and more at the market.

The project "Crystal" wants to light up the dangers and trends of new drugs in Germany and Europe a little closer. It is for us above all about backgrounds and effects.


Project “Crystal - the little-noticed drug”; starting date: February, 9th, 2014

Project “The medium-sized industry - the real innovation and quality engine in Germany”, starting date: March, 2nd, 2014